Whither Christian Conservatism?
Now that Barack Obama is our nation's 44th president, the season of chest-beating has begun for Christian conservatives. We are suddenly back to 1992, facing the victory of a populist, pro-choice, liberal president. The sky was falling then, as now. But eight years ago, we got exactly what we wanted: a pro-life conservative Christian president! Things were looking up!
So what went wrong? Frankly, it is time for us to admit that George W. Bush's presidency was a disaster -- for America, for the conservative cause, and for Christians.
Why was it a disaster? In the last eight years:
- The national debt has more than doubled, from 4.5 to 10 trillion dollars.
- We have inched closer to a police state with the so-called Patriot Act and other legislation and executive orders.
- With the passage of the RealID act, we will soon have a single national ID card for all citizens.
- We invaded a sovereign country without first being attacked.
- We now officially use torture.
- We jail (without legal recourse) foreign citizens under suspicion of being illegal combatants.
You won't like my answer, but here it is: We are not much like Jesus. And we will not make a lasting difference in our country until we are.
You probably won't like my ideas for change either.
- Pro-life efforts should stop trying to change the laws and begin changing hearts.
- We should respect others' points of view.
- We should understand why people vote for Democrats rather than look down on them for it.
- We should stop worrying so much about gay marriage and work on straight marriages. The divorce rate within the church is no different from the culture at large.
- We should repent of our failure to address moral issues such as greed and treatment of employees.
- We should be Christians rather than Conservatives.